Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Wishing You All

May you be healthy, creative and prosperous.

My New Year Resolutions for 2008 are live more "green", it's more than a bit scary to think the polar ice cap could be gone in just a few years, eat more salads, buy locally if possible, move more while at work, sitting on my butt 10 hours multiplied by 9 years is not a good thing, get up everything hour or so, and the perpetual yearly resolution LOSE WEIGHT instead of finding it.

PS. Image in this post and those of the Merry Christmas post are copyright free, public domain images. I did tweak them a bit, brighten them up some. I belong to a PD image posting group on flickr. So you are welcome to snag these images tagged copyright free for yourself. My art however retains my copyright.


ELLIE said...

I wish you and yours a BEAUTIFUL and HAPPY New Year...I hope it is a creative and prosperous one too!!!
I look forward to all the beauty in 2008..

Theresa said...

Happy New Year! I hope it's a great year for you! :) Thanks for looking me up again - I'm glad you found me!

Lisa said...

Happy New Year! I look forward to reading your updates! Maybe one of these days I'll get motivated and start blogging.

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year! I look forward to more of your art :) in the coming months, you have wonderful talent, thanks for sharing it. Your drawings always brighten my day.

delilah said...

Thanks for stopping over to visit my blog during the Christmas Tour of Homes. I hope you had a great Christmas and a Happy New Year!

The Park Wife said...

Happy New Year my wonderfully talented artsy friend!

We too are trying to leave as little a footprint as possible on the Earth. I am sure it be fodder from some of my upcoming posts!

Anonymous said...

Happy Happy New year!! May all your dreams come true and may your year be filled with [k]reativity and prosperity!!!!!!

KellytheCulinarian said...

That's a wonderful resolution -- good luck and happy new year!

Michelle Kemper Brownlow said...

Happy New year Dawn, dear friend!!
I join you in the LOSE weight for '08!
Maybe this year it will stick!
Not the weight, the resolution!!

Rick said...

Dawn, forgive me, but I can't remember if you saw this but...

I'm visiting all those who have posted before and I'm inviting them over to my blog for a little giveaway that I am having. No gimicks, just a way to celebrate one year of blogging.


P.S. I do like your art. It is very creative.

kari and kijsa said...

We agree on the "buy locally"....this is so important to support your local economy....we buy eggs from the local "egg man" and vegetables from our "vegetable man"....

blessings, kari and kijsa

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

What great plans for the new year! I am also decided to eat less, move more and be more green inspired.

Thanks for visiting my blog! Come back soon.

dlyn said...

I agree that we need to be more mindful about all of this. It is not easy to think about the impact of every little thing we do, but we can all take some small steps toward doing better.

The Park Wife said...

You are selling the farm?????

farmerjulie said...

Happy New Year Dawn!

Anonymous said...

Having a photo contest, come play along... hey... btw, WHERE ARE YOU?! You've been quiet!

Anonymous said...

i'll be spending a lot more time at my local farmer's market!!

Anonymous said...

I know I'm late, but Happy New Year!

ELLIE said...

I have a bit of a surprise for you at my blog - please check it out!!!
I think it will make you smile!!!



Michelle Kemper Brownlow said...

where are you friend??

Theresa said...

Dawn, I hope you read this today! Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!! Love & hugs!

farmerjulie said...

hope all is well!! havent posted in awhile! take care!! just thinking about you.

Michelle Kemper Brownlow said...

lookin' for you babe! :)Where ya been?