Saturday, December 15, 2007

A Day Late...

Not to confuse anyone, including me, I am back dating a couple of posts to Friday. Where they should have been if I wasn't so busy. Then I took a nap. And...well, I read a few blogs and before I knew it I fell asleep. Now it's Saturday. I'm baking. Downloading and uploading photos for said back dated posts.

And...ta da

I added a blogroll. Finally! Many more Reads to Come though.

Check back through out the day. New posts coming. Including tutorial for a quick, easy last minute gift for teachers, mail carriers, UPS man, hairdresser, neighbor, etc.

The winner of my 2nd Giveaway is Farmer Julie. Congrats!

Update: Be sure to scroll back to Friday. The posts I back dated are up. If you still have gifts to buy you might like the tutorial for Quick and Easy Gifts that is very inexpensive.

I'm working on the Saturday Sighting post now. I took a small break from baking and blogging to watch "Love's Unfolding Dream" on Hallmark. Such a wonderful series!


Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Hi Dawn!
Thanks for coming by and visiting me! It gave me a chance to come over here and discover you! I have enjoyed reading thru your posts.

Dawn-Enigma Artist said...

Thank you and you are welcome. I've lurking there quite awhile. =)