Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Fasting for Julian

The Cheese Cross for Charity Auction on eBay ends in a couple hours. As a day for prayer and fasting begins.

Julian's story is shared on Michelle's Blog and Dawn's Blog

From Michelle "Fasting can be dangerous for some people with certain health conditions so please use your best judgement. Our church encourages people who want to fast but cannot/shouldn't/ don't want to give up food to fast dessert, TV, technology or anything else that would be a sacrifice.

When you feel "hunger" for food or otherwise...PRAY FOR JUJU!"

On the sidebar on Michelle's blog is a paypal donate button. All proceeds will go to Julian and his family.

Please join us today. Pray for a miracle.


Michelle Kemper Brownlow said...


Dawn-Enigma Artist said...

You are most welcome!
God Bless,you!!