Friday, December 07, 2007

Studio Friday: Creating Emotion

In 2006 I lived through a very trying time for me and my teenage daughter.

I didn't think it was possible to survive the "heart pain". I cried everyday for months.

I rarely created anything during this time. Here are two...

broken heart
ACEO 2.5 x 3.5inches
color pencil
bristol board 100 lb.

ACEO 2.5 x 3.5inches
color pencil
bristol board 100 lb.

Our relationship continues as those who have gone before us in the dance of Mothers and Daughters.

size: 4 inches x 4 inches
color pencil
bristol board 100 lb.

For More Studio Friday

Be sure to enter my First Giveaway by leaving a comment here.

And check out eBay Auction "Cheese Cross" for Julian. Full story on Michelle's blog


Jean-Luc Picard said...

Good use of colour.

Michele sent me here.

Anonymous said...

pretty neat!! love love the colors

Anke Martin said...

Hope you find a way to do some more art. Sometimes when I think I can't do any art, that is the time I really need to do some art, to let go emotions. Send you lot of energy greetings;)

Dawn-Enigma Artist said...

Thanks, Jean-Luc. I'll pop over to see you in a bit. I need to go cook food.

Dawn-Enigma Artist said...

Thanks,Kreativemix and welcome to my place. I'll check out your blog in a bit as well.

Dawn-Enigma Artist said...

Thanks, Anke. Energy is a good thing.

I have been creating again,daily, since January 2007... That's when I finally made up my mind to move forward, instead of wallowing in a situation where I can only control my behavior.

I love my daughter dearly. We are talking more and she was over last weekend. But she has to live her own life ... and I still have Mommy feelings.

Now I'm off to cook food!